Intercultural advisory committee
The Intercultural Advisory Committee (IAC) is a working group of the Multicultural Youth Support Service (MYSS). The role of the IAC will be to foster active partnerships between various African community groups in the southeastern metropolitan area of Melbourne. The IAC will provide a united voice in identifying, addressing and promoting the issues that face the African community.

Fostering collaboration between various African community groups to ensure there is a clear and unified voice representing the African community in the south-eastern region of Melbourne
Identifying common issues that present for the various cultural communities within the group
Collaborative action to develop workable solutions to the identified issues
Identifying stakeholders who can assist in bringing about solutions to the issues
Identifying issues that are outside of the scope of the IAC but are critical to the successful resolution of issues. These issues will be brought to the attention of the MYSS Board.
Providing advocacy to identified stakeholders to further the goals of the IAC
Maintaining the focus of the group
Reporting to the MYSS Board on a regular basis to ensure effective communication and governance